Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

REUs are excellent opportunities to gain hands-on research experience while completing your undergraduate degree. REUs are available throughout the academic year, and at institutions across the country - including ASU. Many REU programs are available during the summer months. Not only will you gain valuable experience but you often receive stipends or other compensation for your efforts.

REUs offered by ASU

(AM)^2 REU (Arizona State University/Maricopa County Community College District Applied Math REU program)
Provides summer research experiences to undergraduate students who would not otherwise participate in practical, cutting-edge research in applied mathematics and computational modeling
Advisor: Associate Professor Wenbo Tang

MCTP (Mentoring through Critical Transition Points)
Undergraduate Research Program in Mathematics
Advisor: President's Professor Eric Kostelich
*note - this REU is no longer offered

SUnMaRC (Southwest Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference)
Advisor: Associate Professor Wenbo Tang

MTBI Summer Program
An intensive eight-week summer research experience for undergraduates at ASU's Tempe campus

Field of Dreams Conference
The Field of Dreams Conference introduces potential graduate students to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences at Math Alliance schools as well as professional opportunities in these fields. Scholars spend time with faculty mentors from the Alliance schools, get advice on graduate school applications, and attend seminars on graduate school preparation and expectations as well as career seminars.

Other available REUs

American Mathematical Society - Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Programs
Mathematical Association of America - NREUP
MSRI-UP (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Undergraduate Program)
NSF listing of REU websites

For information on how an REU can earn you credit towards your degree, schedule an advising appointment with a math advisor.


Faculty Mentors

As you progress through your mathematical and statistical studies, you may have questions about getting involved in research, preparing for graduate school, or simply how you can improve your skills in a particular field of mathematics. In these instances, you would benefit from speaking with a faculty mentor in addition to your academic advisor. Below is a list of faculty mentors and their areas of expertise.

Barrett Faculty Honors Advisor - Nancy Childress

Theoretical Mathematics
Number theory, cryptography, abstract algebra - Nancy Childress          
Discrete mathematics, combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms - Andrzej Czygrinow         
Probability - Nicolas Lanchier        
Analysis, topology - Julien Paupert      
Differential geometry - Brett Kotschwar

Applied Mathematics
Dynamical systems, differential equations - Eric Kostelich        
Mathematical biology, mathematical medicine, population dynamics - Yang Kuang        
Applied probability - Nicolas Lanchier        
Computational applied mathematics, numerical analysis - Bruno Welfert    

Statistics - Rob McCulloch

Actuarial science - Jelena Milovanovic        

Mathematics Education - Marilyn Carlson