Your path to graduation starts here. Our academic advisors provide accurate, personalized, and developmental advising to all current and prospective undergraduate students interested in pursuing degrees, certificates, or minors within the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.

The online scheduling system you access using the button below only shows two weeks of available appointments for each advisor. If the advisor’s schedule is full, students can return to the scheduling system the following day to see the next chronological day with open appointments.

Imagine the ideal college campus culture

As a mathematics student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you’ll join a network of scholars who want to learn to thrive together on Arizona State University’s largest and most historic campus. From interacting with students in math-focused clubs to showing your Sun Devil pride at the homecoming football game, the Tempe campus offers countless opportunities for you to get involved and interact with your fellow students.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

REUs are excellent opportunities to gain hands-on research experience while completing your undergraduate degree. REUs are available throughout the academic year, and at institutions across the country - including ASU. Many REU programs are available during the summer months. Not only will you gain valuable experience but you often receive stipends or other compensation for your efforts.

REUs offered by ASU

The Math Community Center (MC2), fosters collaboration and peer mentoring, as well as providing structured course assistance from graduate-student tutors.

Fall 2024
The MC^2 will be open for the fall semester starting Monday, September 9, 2024.