ODEs in R Intro Workshop by Dr. John Fricks

Math Bio Club

Dr. John Fricks of ASU will present how to implement & find key statistics of ODEs in R using basic biological examples. This skill will allow researchers to include more rigorous statistics (often used in industry/clinical settings). Examples will be shown, and the code will be sent out to those who would like it! Laptops are not required for the event.

When: Friday, April 7, 2023, at 1:30 pm
Where: Wexler A206

The Graduate Statistics Club and the Association for Women in Mathematics are excited to announce the first SoMSS Dodgeball Tournament! Come play dodgeball and board games with SoMSS faculty, staff, and students!

SoMSS Dodgeball Tournament
Saturday, April 15
11:00 to 4:00
SDFC - Maroon Gym

The tournament will very likely end before 4:00pm (leave when you wish!). Small foam dodgeballs will be used.