Linear and quadratic functions, systems of linear equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, sequences, series, and combinatorics.

Enroll requirements: Prerequisite(s): MAT 110 with Y grade, or Mathematics Placement Test with a score of 0-49.9% or higher, or ALEKS score of 0-60 or higher

Example Syllabus  (this may not be the syllabus used by your instructor, but gives students an idea of the course content and expectations).

Actuarial Strategies & Tactics

Actuarial Strategies & Tactics is an actuarial and insurance consulting firm that focuses on small group and specialty medical products, acknowledged by the industry to be the toughest medical insurance markets. The company partners with clients and creates long-lasting relationships through its commitment to sharing risk, aligning incentives and face-to-face interaction. Actuarial Strategies and Tactics is located in the San Francisco Bay area and Phoenix.

The Actuarial Science Advisory Board consists of actuarial leaders from the business community and leading academic actuaries with a common interest in the future of actuarial students from Arizona State University. Board members provide industry perspective on developing curriculum, recruiting prospective students, fundraising, and developing research projects.

Students interested in becoming actuaries should declare a BS in Actuarial Science as their major when they enter the university. Ordinarily students apply for admission to the Actuarial Science major in the fall semester of their freshman year. Transfer students should apply for admission a semester prior to attending ASU and follow up their application with an academic advisor in Wexler Hall (WXLR 211)