Title: Modeling Biodegradation and Methane Biogenesis

Abstract: Heterotrophic bacteria are primarily responsible for the decomposition of organic matter in many environments. In this talk, I will present multiple stoichiometric biodegradation models. As an important application, I will talk about the extension and data validation of our stoichiometric biodegradation models for predicting methane emissions from oil sands tailings in Alberta.


A limited number of hotel rooms have been blocked at nearby hotels at the discounted rates as listed. Please book a reservation for yourself, either on-line or by calling the hotel. If you have problem/questions in making your reservation, please email us at icma2019@asu.edu, with the subject line mentioning "Hotel reservation for ICMA VII". 

ICMA VII will feature hour-long plenary and 25-minutes invited lectures, in addition to a  poster session for graduate students.  Abstract should be submitted in tex format only.  To submit an abstract for an invited talk or a poster presentation, please follow the two steps process below

             1.  Write your abstract using the .tex template.