Coffee Break
Wexler second floor breezeway

Stop by WXLR second floor breezeway anytime between 8:45-10:45am. We will be offering coffee, bagels, muffins, as well as a few healthier options (fruit, yogurt, granola bars). Hot water for tea or cocoa will also be available, as well as orange juice and cold water.

Join us for the first ever meeting of Math Bio Club. We are a new club in SoMSS!

The purpose of the Math Bio Club is to create an inclusive research community that makes math bio research accessible to all. We will provide peer-lead workshops that teach valuable research skills (both general and math bio focused) and a collaborative network to find meaningful ways to contribute to math bio research. 

On Wednesday, January 26th at 4:30 PM in Wexler A206  we have the first event of the Spring semester: our own statistics alumni Mitch O’Brien is coming to give a talk about his experiences as a data scientist at Honeywell.

Coffee Break
Wexler second floor breezeway

Stop by WXLR second floor breezeway anytime between 8:30-10:30am. We will be offering coffee, bagels, muffins, as well as a few healthier options (fruit, yogurt, granola bars). Hot water for tea or cocoa will also be available, as well as orange juice and cold water.