
There are ways to secure your homepage (or a part of it!) by using the built-in password protection mechanisms. In the school, we use the APACHE Web Server. The following describes ways to secure your homepage on the Math server. The same can be followed for the Mathpost server or any other server where APACHE is installed and configured.

Using User Authentication

There are two ways of restricting access to documents:

Presentation Template using Latex Beamer

The following LaTeX file is a Sample Presentation Template that could be used by students to create their own presentations.

This Latex file should be compiled with pdflatex, for this reason, it is recommended that you convert the figures in your presentation to pdf. Postscript files (.ps and .eps) will not compile properly when pdflatex is used. You may use commands like "convert" or "eps2pdf" (in linux) to convert your figures.

The Beamer Class

The beamer class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a beamer presentation. It can also be used to create slides. It behaves similarly to other packages like Prosper, but has the advantage that it works together directly with pdflatex, but also with dvips.

The Latex Beamer Class Homepage provides with the steps to create a beamer presentation and some examples

What is an SSL VPN ?

An SSL VPN stands for Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network. SSL VPN allows the users to remotely access the restricted network resources via a secure and authenticated pathway. It give the appearance to the user that the user is connected to a local network irrespective of his/her geographical location.

How to download SSL VPN for Linux ?

ASU offers SSL VPN to all of its users. A user can download SSL VPN from

What is an SSL VPN ?

An SSL VPN stands for Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network. SSL VPN allows the users to remotely access the restricted network resources via a secure and authenticated pathway. It give the appearance to the user that the user is connected to a local network irrespective of his/her geographical location.

How to download SSL VPN for Linux ?

ASU offers SSL VPN to all of its users. A user can download SSL VPN from

  1. Look for CISCO AnyConnect SSLVPN.

Even though you might be working on a PC, at some point of time, you might need to interface to a Unix Machine. You might be doing this now without knowing it! For eg. checking email on your  Math account or accessing this webpage which is on the Math server, a Unix machine!

Here is a brief introduction to access your account on the Math server. The same information can be used for any other Unix machine, provided of course you are a valid user on that system.