Course requirements for PhD in Mathematics Education

Mathematics Education PhD students are required to take four courses from mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, or mathematical biology (two courses from any two areas). Students must attain at least a B in each course and a combined course GPA of at least 3.25 from all four courses.

Applied Mathematics
APM 501 Differential Equations I, ODE
APM 502 Differential Equations II, PDE
APM 503 Applied Analysis (Cross-listed with MAT 570)
APM 504 Applied Probability
APM 505 Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra and
APM 506 Scientific Computing

Mathematical Biology
AML 610 Topics in Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences
APM 531 Mathematical Neurosciences I*
AML 612 Applied Mathematics for the Life and social Sciences Modeling Seminar*
AML 613 Probability and Stochastic Modeling for the Life and Social Sciences*

MAT 512 Discrete Mathematics I
MAT 513 Discrete Mathematics II
MAT 516 Graph Theory I
MAT 517 Graph Theory II
MAT 543 Algebra I
MAT 544 Algebra II
MAT 570 Real Analysis I (cross-listed with APM 503)
MAT 571 Real Analysis II

STP 501 Theory of Statistics 1**
STP 502 Theory of Statistics 2**
STP 525 Advance Probability
STP 526 Theory of Statistical Linear Models
STP 527 Statistical Large Sample Theory
STP 530 Applied Regression Analysis
STP 531 Applied Analysis of Variance
STP 532 Applied Nonparametric Statistics
STP 533 Applied Multivariable Analysis
STP 535 Applied Sampling Methodology
*Presumes AML 610.
** In preparation. Consult statistics group for interim recommendation.