Geometry and Topology Seminar
Friday, November 17
12:00 pm MST/AZ
SoMSS Graduation Reception
Monday, May 12
11:00am to 1:00pm open house (come and go as you wish)
Open to all students graduating within the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (graduate and undergraduate students).
Enjoy delicious sweet treats and take some photos with friends and family at the SoMSS selfie station!
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Scholarship and Awards Ceremony
Friday, April 18
2:00pm AZ/MST
Virtual via Zoom
Detaisl and link coming soon.
48th Annual Charles Wexler Awards
Wednesday, April 9
WXLR A206 and virtual via Zoom
The 48th Annual Charles Wexler Awards will be held in person and virtually via Zoom in Wexler Hall room A206 at 1:30pm. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us for this annual celebration of the two award recipients: Charles Wexler Teaching Award and Charles Wexler Mathematics Prize. After the ceremony, refreshments will be provided.
Basil Nicolaenko Memorial Distinguished Lecture in Nonlinear Studies
Friday, March 28
Lecture time TBD (AZ/MST)
Location TBD
Feature lecture by Carlos Kenig
Hosted by Donatella Danielli
Celebration of Women in Math Day
Friday, March 21
Registration requested: form opening soon
Schedule coming soon.
Virtual 48-Hour Data Hackathon
April 4 - 6
Hosted in person on each campus and virtually for online students
SoMSS Spring BBQ
Thursday, February 13
3:00.- 5:00pm (open house but food if first come, first served)
On the lawn area in front of PSF, east of Wexler Hall
DoMSS Seminar
Monday, April 28
1:30pm MST/AZ
GWC 487
DoMSS Seminar
Monday, April 21
1:30pm MST/AZ
GWC 487