Detail steps to upload video in Canvas

Once your video is recorded, Upload it to your ASU Google drive.

To upload:

Follow these screenshots.

Go to myASU and Click on Google Drive:

Once you open Google Drive click on New (as shown in the below screenshot) and then click on file upload
Once your video is uploaded to drive. Follow the below steps. Right-click on the video in your drive and you will find these options(see the screenshot) and then click on share

Then you have to modify the sharing options to “Anyone with the link can access”. To modify that you have to click on the advanced option (see the screenshot below) after following the above screenshot

Select Anyone with the link can access (see the screenshot) and then click on save.

You have to wait for at least 3-4 hrs. After four hours, once the video is processed you have to copy the video drive link. To copy the drive link right-click on the video in your drive and then click on Get sharable linkYou will get the link and paste it in another tab. You have to select the embed item. For that click on Settings and then select embed item (see the screenshot)

Once you click on Embed Item you will get an HTML source code (see the screenshot below) copy the link and save it in a text editor.

Open canvas of the particular course and click on modules options on the left as shown in the screenshot below.

To create a new module (chapter) click on the +Module button on the top right corner of the page.

In the popup, enter the Module name and click on add Module. Create a new page in the module by clicking on the + button on the particular module.

Click on the page that was just created and click on edit button on the top right corner to add the content.

Click on insert/edit media as shown the screenshot below.

Click on embed button on the popup to attach the iframe.

Paste the iframe that we got from google drive and click on ok.