Physics-Informed Neural Network for Numerical PDE Subtitle: with examples of shockwave solution to Burger's equation


We use fully-connected neural networks as smooth functions to approximate the solution of a 1D Burger's equation with discontinuous initial condition, and propose a loss functional to evaluate the approximation which gives an update direction with respect to the parameters of the neural network. The ideas from preceding papers don't fully work and a minor fix needs to be posed. The well-trained neural network approximates the exact shockwave solution with small error, which outperforms traditional finite-difference methods. This method can be easily extended to high dimensions, high orders, and a large class of PDEs with more general boundaries.

Brief website (with plots of the solutions) for the talk:


Partial Differential Equations Seminar
Friday, Sept. 30
11 am - 12 pm 
WXLR A108 and Virtual via Zoom
Meeting ID: 566 178 7872 
Password: 123456 


Guangting Yu 
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 
Arizona State University

WXLR A108 and Virtual via Zoom