Writing Teaching Statements


In this session, senior lecturer Julia Inozemtseva will discuss how to write a strong teaching statement when applying for jobs in academia. She will also share tips on how to ask for high-quality letters of recommendation, how to write cover letters, and tips for successful interviewing. Inozemtseva is a member of the school's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Committee and will discuss how math is taught around the world including in the Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, China and the U.S.

This session is geared generally to graduate students applying for jobs in academia that require teaching statements, but all are invited to attend.


Prof Dev / DEIB Seminar
Writing Teaching Statements
Friday, Sept. 16
Virtual via Zoom: https://asu.zoom.us/j/89151319807?pwd=YzhaZVRhSDYxdlVUQkVYcS9UcXc1UT09


Julia Inozemtseva
Senior Lecturer
Arizona State University

Virtual via Zoom