An Introduction to Non-Hausdorff Groupoids


For 2nd-countable effective locally compact Hausdorff etale groupoids, it is known that every nonzero ideal of the reduced C*-algebra has nonzero intersection with the continuous functions on the unit space that vanish at infinity. In this talk, I will discuss an example of Exel using the groupoid of germs construction where this property fails. Showing this involves constructing an example of a special kind of function on the groupoid whose "open" support has empty interior. For any 2nd-countable effective locally compact etale groupoid, a paper of Clark, Exel, Pardo, Sims, and Starling shows that the existence of such an element guarantees that the reduced C*-algebra is not simple.


Our C*-Seminar will still (as it was last year) be on Wednesdays, but the time will now be a bit different: 1:30-2:45 pm (Arizona time, no daylight savings), meeting both in person (WXLR A311) and via zoom.

Also new: it's now the ASUERAU C*-Seminar (so, joint with our friends Lara and Mitch at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University up the road in Prescott).

(Please email the organizer John Quigg to be put on the email list if you would like to receive the link to the zoom seminar.)


Jeff Long
Arizona State University

Virtual via Zoom