Are you interested in improving student experiences in mathematics and STEM? You can do MORE!
We are the Mathematical Organization for Rehumanizing Education (MORE), a student-run organization at ASU that is open to all undergraduate and graduate students from any major. We have two primary goals as a club: to educate ourselves on student experiences and inequities in STEM education, and to develop strategies and resources that help foster a sense of belonging among students taking STEM classes here at ASU. If you would like to learn a little more about our club, you can check out our website at (Note that you need to be signed into your ASU Google account to access the site!)
For the Spring 2025 semester, we intend to operate in a hybrid format, where we will use some weeks to discuss STEM education articles over Zoom and other weeks to meet in-person to develop and run outreach activities at ASU. We will have our first in-person meeting of the semester on Tuesday, January 28, from 5:30pm-6:30pm (MST) in Wexler A102 (Tempe Campus). This first meeting will just be for us all to introduce ourselves and establish our club goals and schedule for the semester. We will have some snacks to enjoy on the Wexler breezeway before and after the meeting.
Have questions about ASU’s MORE club? Contact Jason Guglielmo for more info.
Mathematical Organization for Rehumanizing Education (MORE) student club
Tuesday, January 28
5:30pm-6:30pm AZ/MST
WXLR A102 (Tempe Campus)
Learn more about MORE.