Pullbacks of topological graph algebras


Katsura introduced the notion of regular factor maps between topological graphs, which contravariantly induce a morphism between the corresponding Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. Using Katsura's result of the classification of gauge-invariant ideals by admissible pairs, I will discuss the construction of a pullback of topological graph algebras from a union of row-finite topological graphs. Joint work with John Quigg, and Mariusz Tobolski.


ASUERAU C*-Seminar
Thursday, September 12
3:00-4:00pm MST (UTC-7)
ASU Tempe - WXLR 546

The seminar is organized jointly with Mitch Hamidi and Lara Ismert at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ.

(Please email the organizers John Guigg, Steve Kaliszewski and Jack Spielberg to be put on the email list if you would like to receive the link to the zoom seminar.)


Atul Gothe
PhD Student
University of Warsaw

Virtual via Zoom