Pullback diagrams of relative Toeplitz graph algebras


Relative Toeplitz algebras of directed graphs were introduced by Spielberg in 2002 to describe certain subalgebras corresponding to subgraphs. They can also be used to describe quotients of graph algebras corresponding to subgraphs. We use the latter relationship to answer a question posed in a recent paper regarding pushout diagrams of graphs that give rise to pullback diagrams of the respective graph C*-algebras. We introduce a new category of relative graphs to this end, and we prove our results using graph groupoids and their C*-algebras. This is joint work with Jack Spielberg


Our C*-Seminar will still (as it was last year) be on Wednesdays, but the time will now be a bit different: 1:30-2:45 pm (Arizona time, no daylight savings), meeting both in person (WXLR A309) and via zoom.

Also new: it's now the ASUERAU C*-Seminar (so, joint with our friends Lara and Mitch at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University up the road in Prescott).

(Please email the organizer John Quigg quigg@asu.edu to be put on the email list if you would like to receive the link to the zoom seminar.)


Samantha Brooker
Graduate student
Arizona State University

WXLR A309 and virtual via Zoom