Use the ASU email domain with the aliases mentioned in the table.
Alias | Members | Additional Staff Members |
people.math | Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students in SoMSS | |
faculty.math | All tenure track Faculty and Visitors/Post-docs | Erin Stephens, Beth Fiacco, Joe Davis |
teachfaculty.math | Math Career Faculty (all ranks, Professors of Practice, and Clinical Assistant Professors) | Joe Davis |
teach.math | All Faculty and Grad. Students (TAs only) | All staff members from faculty.math and teachfaculty.math+ Maura Weidl-Giles, all teaching assistants and FAs |
staff.math | All staff in SoMSS | |
ttfaculty.math | Tenure Track Faculty | |
fullprof.math | Full Professors | |
associate.math | Associate Professors | |
assistant.math |
Assistant Professors | |
clinical.math | Clinical (Assistant) Professors | |
pop.math | Professors of Practice | |
teachfull.math | Career Full Professors | |
teachassociate.math | Career Associate Professors | |
teachassistant.math | Career Assistant Professors | |
instructors.math | Instructors | |
math.postdoc | Post-docs | |
graduates.math | All graduate students | Sharon Crook, Rhonda Olson, Joelle Park, Jennie Burel |
phd.math | All PhD students | Sharon Crook, Joelle Park, Jennie Burel |
ta.math | Teaching assistants | Sharon Crook, Joelle Park, Jennie Burel |
emeritus.math | Retired Faculty | |
apm.math | Applied Math Faculty | |
bio.math | Math Biology Seminar | |
dg.math | Differential Geometry Seminar | |
graduates.math | Our graduate students | |
gwc.math | GWC Faculty | |
help.math | Computer Support Group | |
mat.math | Theoretical Math Faculty | |
mathcircles | Students enrolled in Math Circles | |
mathedfac | Math Education Faculty | |
mathedstus | Math Education Students | |
matphd.math | Math PhD Faculty | |
pde.math | PDE Seminar | |
reu.math | REU Students + Faculty | |
statsgroup | Stats Faculty | |
statsstudy | Stats Students | |
stats.seminar | Stats Seminar | |
stats consulting | Stats Consulting | |
ta.math | School TAs | |
visitor.math | Visiting Faculty |
Many more group aliases for course coordinators or other specific needs. If in doubt, contact David Schuetz.