GIS at ASU News Archive 2022-2023

April 28, 2023
By Charles Daggs

With finals fast approaching, the end of the school year is a happy time filled with reflection for many students. To help conclude the semester, on April 25, Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) hosted the End-of-Semester Social to celebrate graduates, where students could come spend time with friends and professors. 

Opening remarks for the celebration were delivered by Charlotte Cliatt, followed by an inspirational commencement speech from credentialed actuary, faculty advisor, and professor, Paul Johnson. Then, a long list of students graduating with master's or bachelor’s degrees were recognized, each with a list of accomplishments, ranging from involvement in athletics to passing numerous actuarial exams. 

Along with recognizing the graduates, a “grad guessing game” incorporated matching grads to their baby photos as well as predicting graduating students' preferences and opinions. For example, one of the most intriguing results was that the graduating students voted the Single Life Mortality class as both the hardest and best class they have taken at ASU. Other quizzed topics were favorite calculator, fast food restaurant, and coding language.

The faculty of the actuarial science department were present to introduce the graduates and share some kind words about each student. Each graduate also took a moment to share their words of wisdom on what brought them success in the program. After spotlighting all nineteen graduates and some final remarks delivered by Charlotte, the new leadership team of GIS at ASU was announced. And then, there was cake.

Graduation is a time for both celebrations and goodbyes. We at GIS at ASU would like to extend our best wishes to graduates both leaving ASU and continuing their studies. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to the amazing faculty that continues to make the actuarial science program what it is today. We wish the best of luck to next year’s leadership.

April 12,2023
By Moreta Findler

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are becoming increasingly important for many companies and organizations. On April 4, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter (GIS at ASU) hosted its first diversity and inclusion event of the semester. GIS at ASU is committed to the mission of the Grand Chapter’s Gamma Solutions for Authenticity, Inclusion, and Diversity (GammaSAID). GIS at ASU’s D&I Officer, Moreta Findler, presented on issues that underrepresented groups face in the actuarial profession and ended the night with a unique game of Scattegories.

To start off the presentation, the audience shared what came to mind when they heard the words “diversity”, “inclusion,” and “ally.” These three words were the recurring theme for the night. A discussion on the diversity of the actuarial field included statistics on the ethnic makeup of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), which found that African American, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native North Americans or Indigenous people only make up 5% of the SOA and CAS membership.

After looking at the current diversity within the actuarial field, the presentation moved onto discussions involving barriers to entering the industry, some of which were the lack of awareness about the profession, absence of mentorship, and financial support. Attendees had the opportunity to share how they discovered the actuarial profession and their experiences thus far.

Next, the presentation focused on solutions to increasing the diversity of the industry, specifically looking at actuarial organizations including the SOA, CAS, Abacus Actuaries, the International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA), the Network of Actuarial Women and Allies (NAWA), the Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), the Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Actuaries (SAGAA), and the South Asian Network of Actuaries (SANA). These organizations are a cornerstone to addressing underrepresentation in the actuarial field. They provide financial support for exams and educational scholarships. They are also a space for students to create a network of mentors or grow professionally.

To conclude the event, attendees played a game of Scattergories. The audience was split into teams and challenged to utilize their diversity to create the most unique word/phrase for different topics ranging from items in the room to the themes of the presentation: inclusion, diversity, and ally.

GIS at ASU would like to thank everyone who attended the event. We hope to continue to support and increase opportunities for underrepresented groups in the actuarial community. Look out for more events in the future.

April 5, 2023
By Alison Hansen

The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) puts great emphasis on making sure students are ready to tackle the professional world upon graduation. A great way for students to test their skills on a real-world problem is through case studies! On March 28, GIS at ASU hosted the annual Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) Case Study where teams of four competed in solving a P&C-related issue and putting their skills to the test for the chance to win a cash prize. 

The teams were tasked with considering a fictional homeowners insurance company and the implementation of a new discount structure. It was also pertinent that the teams take into account additional business considerations and how the discount structure would affect new and preexisting policyholders. Each team had the opportunity to present its results to a panel of judges from the P&C insurance industry. Not only were students responsible for managing their time effectively while working on the case study, but they also had to use their 15 minutes of presentation time wisely to convey their results. After the presentations, the floor was opened for judges to ask questions. Teams fielded questions on their methods for calculating the discounts, their general understanding of the data or related materials, and the additional business considerations that were mentioned. 

Although all teams worked very hard and gave fantastic presentations, the judges could only pick two to win the cash prizes. Ultimately, the judges deemed Team Open Concept Actuaries the first-place winner and Team Abnormal Distribution the second-place winner.

GIS at ASU would like to thank the CAS as well as the judges who kindly took time from their busy schedules to listen to the students’ presentations: Kinsey Turk, Bob Bessen, Chris Dickerson, Jeff Durham, Lydia Tolman, and Michelle Smith. GIS at ASU would also like to thank all the students who participated in the case study and gave their best effort in their presentations. Congratulations to the winning teams!

March 29, 2023
By Shavanda Reynolds

The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) excitedly welcomed representatives of the State Farm MAGnet program to share information about their internship program expanding to Arizona State this fall. Students learned more about State Farm and the MAGnet program, asked questions, and played a game of Bingo to wrap up the visit.  

The MAGnet program will launch at ASU at the start of the Fall 2023 semester, designed for graduate students in a variety of quantitative fields like data science, actuarial science, mathematics, and more. The MAGnet program was established in 2007 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and later extended to the University of Georgia in 2014. State Farm representatives shared that the MAGnet program is a primary pipeline for full-time data science hires. The standard structure of the program includes four semesters/summers of work, during which students are engaged in meaningful projects that prepare them for a full-time position at State Farm if both parties’ interests align. While participating in the MAGnet program, State Farm generously offers full tuition assistance in addition to a competitive hourly wage. 

Following the presentation, students were eager to ask representatives questions about the MAGnet program and its timeline. After Q&A, three fun rounds of bingo were played and winners received State Farm swag. GIS at ASU would like to extend our gratitude to State Farm for taking the time to visit us on campus and share more about the MAGnet program with us. We look forward to future State Farm visits and the launch of the MAGnet program!

March 27, 2023
By Austin Adams

The healthcare industry is a complex business that supports careers with a wide variety of skills and knowledge. Actuaries play a large role in calculating the cost of healthcare for insurance companies and can even extend their business savvy skills to other areas. On March 14, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) happily welcomed Ryan Jarkowski from Cigna Healthcare who informed the members about Cigna as a company, how Cigna plays a role in the health insurance industry, and how actuaries can find a role within Cigna. The students were also able to ask questions and engage in discussions about the latest issues in healthcare.

The meeting began with Jarkowski speaking about the company, Cigna Healthcare. Cigna is one of the leaders in the healthcare industry, coming in at number twelve on the Fortune 500 list in 2021 in total revenue. Cigna, founded in 1792, employs over 70,000 people and counting. The company prides itself in providing quality care for its customers and keeping up with modern health insurance products. Jarkowski also went into detail about the role of an actuary at Cigna. The actuaries have their own program called the Actuarial Executive Development Program (AEDP). The AEDP is designed to give actuaries the support and mentorship necessary to pass actuarial exams and gain experience in a multitude of areas within the company. An actuary typically spends five to seven years in the program, experiencing three to four rotations throughout unique roles. After graduating from the AEDP, the actuary will be a fully-fledged Fellow of the Society of Actuaries. After discussing life as an actuary at Cigna, Jarkowski allowed students to ask any questions they had and also asked members to discuss any current healthcare issues that may need addressing. This sparked an intelligent conversation with critical thinking about the future of healthcare.

GIS at ASU would like to thank Ryan Jarkowski and Cigna for providing catering and an informative and entertaining meeting for our members. GIS at ASU was able to learn about healthcare, Cigna, and the actuarial profession. Members took advantage of an excellent opportunity to develop their careers by expanding their network and delving into the role of an actuary.

March 17, 2023
By Emma Rao

Interviewing is a very important skill for students who hope to enter the workforce. It is essential to practice interviewing so students are able to best showcase their skills and accomplishments to potential future employers. To help students improve their interviewing skills, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) hosts an annual Mock Interview Night where students have the opportunity to interview one-on-one with industry professionals. On February 28, representatives from 16 companies across the actuarial field logged on to interview students. 

The event began with welcoming remarks from Co-Presidents Lydia Gabric and Charlotte Cliatt, and Vice President Lainey Waldman. Professionals and students were given advice on how to conduct their one-on-one sessions and then were split into break-out rooms for the first round of interviews. Each interview was 30 minutes long. During this time, industry professionals were able to ask students questions that would be asked during an official interview. Students reported being asked questions ranging from “Tell me about yourself.” to “How many windows do you think there are in New York City?”.  While the questions ranged greatly in difficulty, the opportunity to practice with an industry professional proved invaluable for preparing for official interviews for internships and full-time positions.

After the professionals finished asking students questions, they were able to give the students feedback on their responses and advice for their future interviews. This stage of the process was particularly important to assure that Mock Interview Night was a true learning experience for the students involved. After questions were asked and insight was shared, the first round of interviews was over. Everyone returned to the main breakout room and there was a 10-minute break. During the intermission, the breakout rooms were reassigned for the second round of interviews. In the same manner as before, students and professionals moved to their second-round breakout rooms and conducted mock interviews, giving students another chance to practice their interviewing skills. 

The event concluded with some closing remarks from Co-President Charlotte Cliatt. This night was not only a great opportunity for students to practice their interviewing skills but to also network with industry professionals who could become future employers. GIS at ASU would like to thank every industry professional who took the time to help students and make the event a success!

March 1, 2023
By Austin Adams

Every year, thousands of Arizona residents are faced with food insecurity. In an effort to give back and fight against this issue, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) volunteered at Saint Mary’s Food Bank. On Saturday, February 18, GIS at ASU packed emergency food boxes at Saint Mary’s Food Bank in Phoenix. Students and other local residents were able to come together for a good cause and assist those in need.

Saint Mary’s Food Bank began the event with a brief description of what they do and what was expected of the volunteers. They explained the need for emergency food boxes, and how the volunteers and their efforts would impact food insecurity in Arizona. Shortly after, GIS at ASU entered the warehouse and prepared to pack emergency food boxes. Saint Mary’s Food Bank was very helpful and clear in its instructions for everyone, which created a smooth and efficient process. The volunteers lined up in an assembly line to construct, fill, seal, stack, and wrap the boxes. After about two hours of packing and stacking, GIS at ASU finished up their volunteer work with a smile and took a picture.

There were many highlights from GIS at ASU’s trip to Saint Mary’s Food Bank. Everyone was having fun and enjoying the music that was playing while the boxes were being packed. One of our members, Logan Slavin, won the award for Most Enthusiastic Volunteer of the group and earned himself a Saint Mary’s Food Bank T-shirt. A group of GIS members took a video saying the phrase “Actuaries Assemble” after the event to show their enthusiasm. Most importantly, over 2,800 boxes of food were packed by the volunteers to help families in need across Arizona.

GIS at ASU would like to thank Saint Mary’s Food Bank for providing an easy and fun way for people to volunteer and help our community, and for welcoming the members of GIS at ASU. We would also like to thank all the GIS at ASU members that attended this event. Those that attended positively impacted a multitude of families across the state of Arizona.

February 23, 2023
By Charlene Bell

With over nine thousand members to date, the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) offers a formidable accreditation process for those in the actuarial community that wish to pursue property and casualty insurance. As one of the earliest specialized actuarial organizations founded in the early 20th century, the CAS continues today as the only organization in the world with a strict focus on property and casualty risk. The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) happily welcomed back ASU alumni Kinsey Turk and Jeffrey Durham as representatives of the CAS to not only share information about the CAS accreditation process itself but also their careers as CAS actuaries.

Turk and Durham wasted no time in presenting the benefits of working in the actuarial profession: innumerable options in companies and locations, high employability, and a huge variation in the types of work an actuary can be expected to do. Most touted, however, was the earning potential of this career. "You will be comfortable," Durham said, and both presenters laughed knowingly as they revealed the next few slides, which were graphs showing salary and bonus data from DW Simpson. As the presentation continued, each part of the accreditation process was explained: validation by educational experience (VEE), data and insurance series courses (DISCs), the course on professionalism conference, and, of course, the exam circuit. There are nine exams in total to achieve fellowship status with the CAS, and Durham, having taken – and passed – all of them, was more than happy to share the story and details of his journey with the students of GIS. 

Students were also encouraged to participate in this year’s case study competition, which will take place virtually in March. Registration has not yet begun, but details will be released via Sun Devil Sync once it has opened. Turk, who competed in and won the competition several times while studying at ASU, offered advice to those aspiring to her success: keep your presentation simple, "tell a story," don't bog it down with nitty-gritty details, and keep the intended target audience in mind. 

Neil Bhardwaja, senior CAS Student Ambassador, and Charles Daggs, junior CAS Student Ambassador, then spoke about what it means to be a student pursuing the CAS track. Benefits of being a member of the CAS Student Central include access to predictive modeling software, webinars, free practice exams, exclusive internship and scholarship opportunities, and conferences. All of this is offered for no membership fee. The CAS also has an 8-week summer program for students that includes actuarial seminars and its own case study competition. An excellent option for students as an alternative to a summer internship!

GIS at ASU wishes to extend endless gratitude to our CAS representatives and student ambassadors for taking the time to share their knowledge and experiences with us. This has been an excellent opportunity to further learn about the options available to us in this exciting field!

February 7, 2023
By Shavanda Reynolds

Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) excitedly welcomed CSAA as our first company visit of the Spring 2023 semester. Two representatives from CSAA shared information about their company, internship opportunities, and their personal experiences. Rodney Agyare-May and Ryan Garza shared their favorite parts of the work and culture of CSAA. Additionally, students were able to ask more about the full-time actuarial positions and summer internship program. 

CSAA kicked the night off with a fun icebreaker, with everyone sharing their name, year of study, top Spotify artist, and spirit animal. Once everyone shared, members had the opportunity to learn more about CSAA. CSAA is a property and casualty insurance company that is heavily concentrated on the west coast but serves 23 states in total. They currently serve 3.4 million customers, with 2.7 million individual policies. Agyare-May and Garza also shared some of the core values of their organization and their personal experiences with each of the six they listed. Additionally, they described CSAA as a culturally diverse organization. Specifically, CSAA is a registered member of 11 diversity and inclusion organizations including the Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), Abacus, and the International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA). The representatives also stated that CSAA promotes and supports volunteerism and offers employees up to 40 hours per year of paid time off committed towards volunteering. It was fascinating to learn that some volunteer opportunities may be done remotely. 

Their actuarial department consists of four teams which further divide into smaller teams. Agyare-May and Garza stated that CSAA offers strong exam support for both interns and full-time employees. Full-time employees are offered paid study hours for exams, pass bonuses, and exam raises. Fortunately for actuarial students, CSAA is still hiring one more student for their summer internship. Representatives shared that they are hoping to have the position filled by March, so interested students should apply as soon as possible. The internship program contains unique opportunities such as executive meet and greets, lunch and learn sessions, innovative projects, professional development, volunteering, social bonding, and networking. Finally, two GIS at ASU members who had the privilege of interning at CSAA gave testimonials of their experience. The meeting wrapped up with students asking questions related to the open internship position and the personal experiences of Agyare-May and Garza. 

GIS at ASU would like to thank CSAA for taking the time to visit campus and share their experiences. It was an exciting opportunity for students to learn more about their company and open opportunities. We hope to see more of CSAA in the future.  

January 30, 2023
By Bhavana Giridar

Even though college can be a stressful time for students financially, many students tend to not take advantage of scholarships. This is usually due to a lack of awareness of the scholarships available to them, or uncertainty about where to even start. The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) hosted Scholarship Night on January 24, where attendees could get an overview of the different actuarial science scholarships offered, as well as tips on how to write a winning personal statement.

To start off the meeting, the GIS at ASU Co-President, Charlotte Cliatt, gave general reminders and announcements, followed by a demonstration on how to navigate the ASU School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) website to find scholarships. Then, GIS at ASU Vice President Lainey Waldman explained the content of the application and guided attendees on how to fill it out. Lastly, the GIS at ASU Diversity and Inclusion Officer Moreta Findler presented the scholarship spreadsheet that is emailed to members every week. Moreta emphasized the numerous diversity organizations that offer scholarships to students who belong to different social and ethnic communities, such as the Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Actuaries (SAGAA), International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA), and more. 

Attendees were split into four groups directed by a team leader for the last half of the event. These leaders discussed the personal statement template in depth and gave advice on do’s and don'ts when writing a personal statement. Leaders talked about their own experiences and processes when it comes to approaching scholarship applications. The remaining time was used for students to do some introspection and come up with a list of their strengths and academic accomplishments. At the end of the session, students asked questions to members who have previously applied for and won scholarships. 

Scholarships make money one less thing for students to worry about while juggling all their other responsibilities. Applying to scholarships helps students not only financially, but also with finding potential internships, strengthening soft skills, and brainstorming answers for future interview questions. GIS at ASU thanks everyone who attended this informational meeting and wishes good luck to everyone applying for scholarships!

January 23, 2023
By Alexis Young

Involvement and community are key components of success in any field of study. Joining clubs and meeting colleagues outside of class is a great way for students to achieve this sense of involvement and become a part of a supportive, like-minded community. The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) provides students with a group of peers pursuing careers in insurance, risk management, and actuarial science. On January 17, GIS at ASU held their Spring Welcome Meeting to kick off the new semester.

The event started off with introductions from the GIS officers, committee members, actuarial science faculty, and shadow students. Next, the GIS at ASU officers gave an overview of the organization; Vice President, Lainey Waldman, discussed the many professional, academic, and social opportunities that come with membership, from company visits and career fairs to tutoring services and networking events. Following the general introduction of the organization, Waldman enticed students with some upcoming events like the Scholarship Night, CSAA Company Visit, and Mock Interview Night.  Students also had the opportunity to hear about the many organizations, both on campus and in the actuarial science community, with goals of promoting diversity and inclusion in the field from the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Officer, Moreta Findler. 

To conclude the meeting, attendees had a great opportunity to get to know one another through the fun “GIS Speed Friending” activity. Students organized into small groups to learn all sorts of interesting things about each other. They racked their brain for some “boring facts”, as opposed to fun facts, and discussed the top artists on their Spotify Wrapped, along with many other topics. Finally, students played a riveting game of two truths and a lie, where they set out to find two statements that were true for all group members and one statement that would trick other attendees into believe it applied to each of them. Attendees were shocked to find out that one group’s statement of all being able to speak and understand four languages was true!

GIS at ASU would like to sincerely thank all the attendees of the Spring Welcome meeting and is glad to have successfully informed students of the benefits of joining GIS. The meeting provided a great opportunity to allow new and returning members to get to know each other and presented an amazing way to get involved with a community of like-minded peers. We look forward to a wonderful Spring 2023 semester and the many upcoming meetings!

December 6, 2022
By Alison Hansen

As the semester comes to a close, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) wished a bittersweet goodbye to its graduating members that are moving on to the next chapter of their lives. On November 29, GIS at ASU hosted a semi-annual celebration of both graduate and undergraduate graduating students. Lydia Gabric and Paul Johnson introduced the graduates, as well as the many accomplishments each were able to achieve during their time at ASU. The event continued by splitting into groups to play a guessing game about the honorees of the night. 

The most important event of the evening was up first: honoring the grads. Gabric started by introducing the master’s graduate for the semester: Joey Simpson. Members had the opportunity to learn a bit about the awards and projects that Simpson worked on over the years, as well as gain some wisdom from an inspiring quote. Next up was to honor the bachelor’s graduates of GIS. Presented by Assistant Teaching Professor Paul Johnson, four members were able to share their accomplishments and advice: Gabe Knippers, Connor Lindgren, Quinn Lindemood, and Melanie Patten. During this portion, not only were the grads able to share some of their biggest feats, but new members were also given a chance to see what accomplishments they can strive towards. 

Once the formal part of the evening was over, it was time for a game to round out the night. Graduates were asked to submit answers to 6 questions ranging from their favorite color to a random quote. Then, members were tasked with matching the answer to the grad! This was a fun way for everyone to get to know the grads a bit better as well as meet some other members that they hadn’t gotten the chance to meet before. While the guessing portion was entertaining, some might claim that the best part of this game was the prizes! The winning team received some GIS swag so they could represent the organization over the holidays.

GIS at ASU would like to thank all of its members for attending to support and say farewell to our graduates. A big thank you is also extended to Gabric and Johnson for taking time from their evenings to help share all the wonderful things our graduates have accomplished. While the semester may be over, GIS at ASU is excited to welcome new and existing members next spring!

November 30, 2022
By Charles Daggs

With the holiday season and finals coming up, the end of the fall semester can be a hectic time for students, full of studying and finishing up big projects. When stress levels are high, it’s important to find the time and space to relax. The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) wants to serve the needs of our members and properly managing stress is key to success. A bit of fun can go a long way to disrupt a constant stream of work and prevent members from getting burnt out. On November 23, GIS at ASU hosted a destress event for members to help forge connections and alleviate stress before finals.

After dining on burgers from In-N-Out, members got to the night’s activities. Options for both groups and individuals were available at the event. Many members took to playing the card game Phase 10 and taught a few members who were playing for the first time. A couple of others even set up a separate table to play Mahjong. Taking a less competitive option, others spent their time chatting and filling in coloring pages. Overall, the event had a friendly and soothing atmosphere that created some distance from the big stressors of the day.

Thanks to all GIS at ASU members for showing up the week of Thanksgiving and to our treasurers for providing food for the event! We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend and look forward to a strong finish to the semester!

November 22, 2022
By Sarah Friedman

OLA Visits GIS at ASU

The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) had the pleasure of welcoming the Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) for a visit on November 15. Their mission is to increase the number of Latino actuaries through promotion, guidance, and opportunities. The visit provided great insight into the organization's initiatives and programs. Diego Orellana, a current ASU student and OLA student ambassador, along with David Fernandez, led the presentation. 

OLA offers a variety of opportunities such as mock interviews, scholarships, resume reviews, and more. The organization has helped over 140 students get actuarial internships and jobs, including Orellana. OLA has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships, reviewed over 200 resumes, held over 200 mock interviews, and then some. One highlight of OLA is the academic scholarships. Scholarships can be up to $7,500 and are awarded to college students of any age. In 2022, 17 OLA students received a scholarship that also included an internship. Another one of OLA’s offerings is exam support which helps pay for study materials and exam costs. This helps to eliminate barriers to entry into the profession. The OLA Academy (OLAA) is a web-based program to help candidates prepare for the recruiting process. They also support students attending career fairs and conferences. Additionally, there are community groups on social media platforms to encourage engagement for both college and high school students. 

OLA Visits GIS at ASU

Fernandez was kind enough to expand on his own professional journey. He works for Allstate on a pricing team for Connecticut and New York. He is actively involved in recruiting both associates and interns. He helps with OLA mock interviews and supports OLA as an Allstate representative. Fernandez and OLA hope to share more knowledge about the actuarial profession so more Latino students can get involved. 

Students had the opportunity to hear advice about interviews, recruiting, and different fields of the actuarial profession. Fernandez suggests being prepared for analytical and behavioral questions in interviews. Even if a student has not yet passed an actuarial exam, they can talk about a complex project they have worked on. Having some knowledge of programming is also very important. Fernandez mentioned that regardless of what field one falls into, health, life, or P&C, something great about the insurance industry is that it is constantly changing and innovating. 

GIS at ASU would like to thank the OLA representatives for coming to campus and sharing their experiences. It was a great way for students to learn more about the organization. We appreciate all the effort put into planning and executing this fantastic event. We look forward to seeing OLA again! 

November 10, 2022
By Moreta Findler

After a semester of company visits and professional development, members were treated to a night full of fun and games. On November 1, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter (GIS at ASU) hosted its annual Halloween Social. GIS at ASU values balancing professional networking and development with time to socialize and reconnect with its members. The social included a costume contest, scavenger hunt and team bingo! 

Tricks and Treats at the GIS at ASU Halloween Social

To get into the Halloween spirit, the event started with the Halloween Costume Contest. Participants dressed in costumes such as a Lognormal and Weibull distribution, a shark, Lola Bunny, an M&M duo, a Gryffindor, and a Slytherin. Attendees voted on their top two favorites out of the many participants. Ultimately the winner of the contest was the Plague Doctor followed by the runners-up, Scary/Spicy Bacon and Ms. Frizzle.

After the Costume Contest, attendees were split into teams to compete for some coveted GIS at ASU swag. The first team activity was the Scary Scavenger Hunt. Teams had to decipher clues, like where to find GIS leadership on Tuesday/Thursday mornings. Then, once the team had the answer, they had to take a creative team picture at that location. While many of the clues centered around beloved Wexler Hall, some teams got creative enough to include ASU’s Old Main fountain. Other creative ideas included a yoga-inspired theme. Participants enjoyed this team building and creativity exercise.

Tricks and Treats at the GIS at ASU Halloween Social

The evening wasn’t without its tricks. Teams were put to the test during the interactive Bingo game. The first task was filling in a blank bingo sheet from a list of numbers and actuarial terms. Teams were then quizzed on math problems ranging from flat interest to Gamma distributions, crossing off Bingo spaces corresponding to the solutions. The first team to fill a column or row won the game. In the end, two teams tied for the first Bingo, but everyone enjoyed the competition.

GIS at ASU would like to thank everyone who participated in this Halloween Social. While GIS at ASU prides itself on its emphasis on professional development and industry networking, we also want to build a community on campus where people are excited to connect with their peers. The Halloween Social highlights the club’s efforts towards that mission. We look forward to hosting socials in the future!

October 28, 2022
By Charles Daggs

Actuarial exams are a key component of professional development. Passing exams is a great way for actuarial students to get noticed by potential employers and qualify for actuarial scholarships. It can be a formidable task to prepare for an exam, especially for those unfamiliar with taking professional exams. Various resources exist for exam preparation and one of the prominent resources used commonly by actuarial science students at ASU is Coaching Actuaries. On October 25, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) held an Actuarial Exam 101 seminar about what to expect when taking professional exams and some of the best tools to utilize in the exam-taking process.

At the beginning of the event, Coaching Actuaries representative Lea Petit and Co-President Lydia Gabric spoke about the different exam tracks. They also specifically detailed the array of classes at ASU that covers each ASA or ACAS exam. For example, the actuarial classes ACT 415 and ACT 410 cover the materials for exams P and FM respectively. The pair also covered the sign-up process for exams and how to register at an exam center. Gabric recommended that members register with plenty of time before an exam sitting, to avoid an impromptu trip to Tucson or even California because of a last-minute registration.

Following the general introduction, Petit introduced Coaching Actuaries and the support they can provide for ASU students. Through GIS at ASU’s preferred membership, Coaching Actuaries provides students with significant discounts on their exam products. After discussing Coaching Actuaries, Petit and Gabric concluded their presentation with some other alternatives to Coaching Actuaries including some that can be particularly useful for students on a tight budget. Then, several GIS at ASU leadership team members shared their exam experiences and pieces of advice for students beginning their exam journey. An important takeaway is that failing an exam is part of the process and is not something to be discouraged by. The event wrapped up with small group sessions where students could ask GIS at ASU leadership team members anything and everything about the exam-taking process. 

The night successfully informed students of the process of taking an actuarial exam and provided advice on the best way to approach them! For students planning to use Coaching Actuaries to study for their exams, remember to use our codes to get the student discount for the product. We wish success to all members in taking their next professional exam and thank you to all who attended Exam 101!

October 23, 2022
By Lea Petit

On October 18, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) was excited to host CBIZ Optumas as our last company visit of the semester. Four representatives from Optumas, three of whom were ASU alumni, were in attendance to share with members more about their firm, colleagues, and internship opportunities. After listening to an informational presentation, members were given the chance to test their knowledge with a round of Optumas-themed trivia bingo.

GIS at ASU welcomes CBIZ Optumas

CBIZ Optumas is a consulting firm that combines the friendly culture of a small company with the extensive corporate resources of its large acquiring firm, CBIZ. Its clients are primarily state government agencies that request guidance in actuarial rate-setting and other policy improvements. Representatives were able to describe to members more about the qualities they look for in employees, the problems they enjoy solving, and what they believe sets Optumas apart. In particular, they described some of the ways in which they are chipping away at the problem of high healthcare spending in the United States. Members were also able to hear more about how Optumas supports full-time employees in their exam-taking process and about future internship opportunities.

GIS at ASU welcomes CBIZ Optumas

After the presentation, the representatives handed out blank Bingo cards and sheets of stickers to be used in their fun interactive activity. Members were tasked with filling out their cards based on a list of buzzwords related to the company that had been used throughout the presentation, such as “Ping Pong” and “Consulting.” Then, the representatives read off questions that corresponded to each of those buzzwords. Members who both recognized the answer and were able to place stickers on their lucky four-in-a-row were rewarded with Starbucks gift cards.

GIS at ASU sincerely thanks CBIZ Optumas for their time and effort in putting together an educational and engaging company visit. Members had the opportunity to learn a great deal about not only Optumas, but also government consulting as a whole, all while having fun in the process. GIS at ASU values its relationship with Optumas and looks forward to what they have in store for next time.

October 23, 2022
By Isabelle Welsh

Educating students about the insurance industry is a strong goal of the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU). To pursue the achievement of this goal, the chapter was thrilled to host the Wholesale and Specialty Insurance Association (WSIA) Extreme Risk Takers Symposium on October 14-15, 2022, at the ASU Tempe campus. Students from universities across the southwestern United States gathered at this event for great networking and learning opportunities related to the excess and surplus lines (E&S) industry. The WSIA, industry professionals, alumni and faculty worked together to ensure that attendees had a fantastic time partaking in educational sessions, roundtable discussions, and even the E&S Amazing Race!

GIS at ASU Attends WSIA Extreme Risk Takers Symposium

This fantastic event kicked off with an informative introduction to E&S led by industry professional, Chris Behymer, who spoke on the wide range of risks covered in the non-admitted market and gave students an opportunity to test their knowledge in a brief case study. Concurrently, students were able to attend a career fair, where they networked with E&S companies and built great relationships with the company representatives. 

Next, attendees returned to the main ballroom for some important welcoming notes and an introduction to the ASU Actuarial Science program, GIS at ASU, WSIA, and the WSIA Education Foundation Student Programs. GIS at ASU Co-Presidents, Charlotte Cliatt and Lydia Gabric, talked about the many insurance-related opportunities offered by ASU, and WSIA representative, Chris Timmerman, spoke on the many opportunities available through WSIA including an incredible internship program and a white paper contest. 

GIS at ASU Attends WSIA Extreme Risk Takers Symposium

The symposium kept the momentum going with an opportunity to hear directly from E&S professionals, Christian Colangelo, Heather Gay, and Cecilia Espineli, in the Exploring E&S Risks panel. Here, students were amazed to hear about the many risks, from liquor liability to construction and contractors to personal lines, that come across the desks of the panelists. Cecilia Espineli even mentioned having seen coverage being sought out for Justin Bieber’s artwork! Students then had the opportunity to hear in even more depth about the E&S Programs Market in a session led by Tricia Loney. 

The first day of the event concluded in a spectacular way under the guidance of hypnotist Jim Kellner, who helped volunteers, including ASU’s own Paul Johnson, into a hypnotized state. The volunteers put on a fantastic show as they played their air instruments for the crowd and came up with some unique ideas for a charity, including one to help those who can’t stop eating pie!

GIS at ASU Attends WSIA Extreme Risk Takers Symposium

The symposium picked back up the next day with the same enthusiasm as insurance professionals joined students in discussion with a roundtable forum, giving opportunities to hear about the many paths within the insurance world. Young professionals joined the roundtable forums to continue the conversations with students as the topic shifted to an interesting case study. Each table was tasked with considering the risks that were present for a general contract taking on a 12-story building construction project in Downtown Phoenix. 

Finally, students had the chance to put their learning into practice in the E&S Amazing Race, where teams had the choice to purchase insurance when faced with risks in a variety of games. In one of many fun games, the teams played giant Jenga simulating possible losses for a many-story building, which was even subjected to an earthquake! They also had to navigate driving amidst many obstacles in a creative simulation using Hot Wheels. The event then wrapped up with a valuable young professionals panel, during which six recent entrants into the property and casualty insurance field gave insight into their careers and provided useful advice to attendees about how to begin theirs. 

GIS at ASU greatly enjoys opportunities to bolster student learning and was excited to host this symposium back in person after some years of a virtual setting! We sincerely thank the WSIA, the industry professionals, the attending companies, ASU faculty, and participating students for their time and efforts in making this event a great success and look forward to partnering with the WSIA more in the future.

October 11, 2022
By Alison Hansen

Nationwide Visits GIS at ASU

As the semester continues, Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) was excited to host Nationwide E&S as the final company visit before Fall Break. On October 4, students had the opportunity to learn about the work that Nationwide does and the different sectors of insurance that they participate in. Along with that, representatives shared opportunities available for internships and full-time positions in the future. This overview was followed by an interactive game that emphasized some of the core concepts of insurance through teamwork and collaboration with others. 

Nationwide is a large property and casualty insurance company that insures both in the admitted markets and the excess and surplus space. During their visit, members had the chance to hear from actuaries in both sectors about the type of work they do and what makes their work at Nationwide special. Members heard about the company’s culture, such as their D&I initiatives, as well as a formal rotational program that allows actuaries to see different sides of the company while not hindering their development. After giving their formal presentation, the Nationwide representatives kindly fielded questions from the group ranging from “what makes you stay at the company” to specific questions about their internship opportunities and rotational program. 

Nationwide Visits GIS at ASU

After the informational part of the evening, it was time to jump into the activity! First, members were grouped into teams and instructed to build a house from graham crackers, marshmallows, paperclips, and spaghetti. Once the builds were completed, the real game began; teams needed to work together to determine how much premium they wanted to charge each building to be insured before a series of simulated natural disasters (ranging from an earthquake to a hail storm). Once the quotes were submitted and the disasters were struck, the representatives went through each building to determine if it was able to survive the natural disasters or if it was a total loss. After teams saw how well their strategy worked the first time, a second round was completed under a stricter time frame to see if they could improve. We saw some interesting builds in this round ranging from structurally supportive to imaginatively creative. The natural disasters struck again and prizes were awarded after!

GIS at ASU would like to thank Nationwide and their representatives for spending the evening with us and for helping our members understand the process of insurance a bit better. This game was very well put together and the group loved participating. GIS at ASU appreciated Nationwide’s time and expertise and is excited to see them throughout the rest of the year and at next year’s company visit!

October 11, 2022
By Hayley Osterkorn

GIS at ASU Travels to the 51st Annual GIS International Conference

The Gamma Iota Sigma International Conference is an exciting space to engage with members of other chapters, meet industry professionals, and learn more about the insurance industry. This year, eight leadership team members representing the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter (GIS at ASU) traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina for Gamma Iota Sigma’s 51st Annual International Conference, held from September 29 to October 1.

Thursday was packed with opportunities for members to network and learn. Not only were attendees able to meet with a wide variety of insurance professionals at Thursday’s career fair, but regional chapter meetings were also held so attendees could create connections with members from other chapters near them geographically. A typical day at a GIS conference wouldn’t be complete without the opportunity to learn and develop at educational sessions, so attendees were able to choose from a variety of sessions.

On Friday, attendees had even more options for educational sessions, such as “Insurance Career Paths,” a panel featuring professionals working in a variety of spaces including underwriting, actuarial, brokerage, and even insurance law. This session informed attendees on what interests make each of these paths a good fit for someone entering the insurance industry, as well as explained how all of these positions might interact and be connected with one another. Overall, the GIS at ASU officers and committee members had a great time learning more about their field and meeting with others in the industry.

GIS at ASU Travels to the 51st Annual GIS International Conference

One highlight of the International Conference is always the Annual Awards Dinner held on Friday night. This year, GIS at ASU was honored to be recognized with four awards, granted based on the hard work of the 2021-2022 leadership team. GIS at ASU received the International Chapter Award for excellent work in alumni relations, chapter management, community service, GammaSAID diversity and inclusion, membership development, and public relations. The Kappa Chapter also received the Superior Chapter Award for our 2021-2022 chapter performance.

In addition to these chapter awards, two individuals were recognized for their dedication to GIS at ASU. 2021-2022 President Lydia Gabric was awarded the Warren L. Weeks Scholarship during this year’s ceremony, given to members who show exceptional commitment to furthering the goals of Gamma Iota Sigma.

GIS at ASU Travels to the 51st Annual GIS International Conference

“I am so honored to have been selected as a Warren L. Weeks Award recipient. I cannot thank the 2021-2022 leadership team and faculty advisor, Dr. Jelena Milovanovic, enough for their continued support. I hope to continue to incorporate the values of Warren L. Weeks as I support the Kappa Chapter throughout my Ph.D. studies,” said Gabric after receiving this award.

The GIS at ASU leadership team could not complete all the hard work each school year brings without the support of Faculty Advisor Dr. Jelena Milovanovic. This year, Milovanovic received the Faculty Award for her continual dedication to providing a positive experience for GIS at ASU members. 

“This award is a reflection of the amazing students in GIS at ASU leadership who have allowed me to be part of their journey over the years. I can only hope they will continue to allow me to bear witness to their academic and professional growth going forward," said Milovanovic.

GIS at ASU Travels to the 51st Annual GIS International Conference

GIS at ASU would like the Gamma Iota Sigma Grand Chapter for hosting the 51st International Conference and allowing members to network with students and professionals, as well as deepen their knowledge of the insurance industry. Additionally, GIS at ASU would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations: Nautilus Insurance; Kyle Edrington from Edrington Health Consulting, an HMA Company; and Mr. and Mrs. Belokas, Mr. Gordon, and Dr. Kafer from GPW and Associates. This experience has allowed those attending to grow professionally and return to ASU with more resources to support the GIS at ASU community.

October 3, 2022
By Sarah Friedman 

The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) had the privilege of welcoming Mercer for a company visit on September 27. Mercer brought several representatives, some of whom are ASU alumni and whose careers at Mercer started with an internship. The meeting started with introductions and information about Mercer. Then, a representative walked us through his professional and personal journey during his time at Mercer. The visit wrapped up with games, food, and talking with the representatives. 

Mercer visits GIS at ASU

Mercer works with state governments and helps them with their healthcare plan financing. Something interesting about working at Mercer is that sometimes, actuaries work directly with physicians, pharmacists, and other medical professionals. Along with that, the government sector alone has over 60 actuaries. Having a large actuarial department ensures that analysts at Mercer can learn a multitude of approaches when solving actuarial problems. The actuarial work consists of projects like rate setting, efficiency, risk consulting, cost evaluations, and more. At Mercer, their goal is not to be “cookie-cutter” actuaries; instead, they look to use a wide variety of skills, assets, and strengths to build teams. They focus on building company culture through programs like business resource groups, volunteering, picnics, and more. An associate, Jennifer Zhang, highlighted the internship program and full-time positions that GIS at ASU members can apply for. 

Mercer visits GIS at ASU

Then, students had the pleasure of hearing the experience of Mercer representative, Yassine Mazboudi. He graduated from ASU where he quickly passed both P and FM exams. He had numerous internships to explore his interests and ultimately decided to start full-time at Mercer. Within a matter of years, he received his ASA credential, ran a half marathon, and climbed Mt. Whitney. 

Mercer visits GIS at ASU

Lastly, students played a game that required creative thinking to solve problems actuaries may face. Teams had to choose two random words from the given set of 10 and come up with a product to resolve a problem a fictional actuarial firm is facing. Words ranged from jellybeans to duct tape. The winning team proposed “sponge goggles,” that absorb all the information from a meeting in case the attendee dozes off and missed something. This goofy game was super fun and a great way to collaborate among members. Members then had the opportunity to eat and network with the associates.
GIS at ASU would like to thank the Mercer representatives for coming to campus and sharing their experiences. It was a great way for students to learn more about the company. We appreciate all the effort put into planning and executing this fantastic event. We look forward to seeing Mercer again!

October 3, 2022
By Emma Rao

Actuarial Science Career Day

On September 21, Arizona State University’s School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences hosted its annual Actuarial Science Career Day. This year’s career fair was particularly exciting because it was the first year since the COVID-19 pandemic that the event took place in person! Employers traveled from all over the country for the opportunity to connect with ASU students. Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) members were excited to meet with company representatives and learn more about employment opportunities.

Actuarial Science Career Fair

The event kicked off with an introduction by Donatella Danielli, the director of the school. Next, students participated in a Q&A with a panel of the following ASU alumni: Kinsey Turk of Allstate, Ainsley Ramsey of CBIZ Optumas, Jonathan Kiperman of UnitedHealthcare, Drew Gordan of CopperPoint, and Grace Kennedy of USAA. Turk led the group through introductions and then invited the audience to ask questions. The panel advised students about studying for exams, searching for internships and full-time opportunities, and transitioning from the classroom to the workforce.

In between panels, students had the opportunity to network. The room was divided into two sections. On one half of the room, students were engaging in ten-minute speed interviews. Speed interviews give students the opportunity to interview with a company representative in a 1-on-1 setting. On the other half of the room, students could openly network, walking freely between tables and asking questions to company representatives.

Afterward, a panel of experienced actuaries shared with students the insight they have gained throughout their careers. This panel was moderated by Lydia Tolman of Wakely. Other panelists included: Michael Brunner of Centene, Jeffrey Durham of Ernst & Young, Katherine Long of Mercer, and Joe Costa of EHC. The panelists gave advice on career growth and development, while also emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The event ended with another round of speed interviews and open networking. Overall, the event was a huge success! GIS at ASU would like to give a huge thank you to every company that came to this event. We would also like to thank faculty members for not only facilitating this event but also supporting us throughout. Lastly, GIS at ASU would like to thank each of our members who attended.

September 28, 2022
By Moreta Findler

With the Actuarial Science Career Fair around the corner, Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) hosted another company visit to explore actuarial career opportunities. On September 20, GIS at ASU welcomed representatives from Actuarial Strategies and Tactics (AST). AST is a health consulting company, locally based in Old Town Scottsdale. With a small firm of only eleven employees, AST brought in almost the entire staff. Attendees met AST’s actuarial analysts, Kristen Agostinelli, Henry Meyers, Justin Gelvin, Christine Liu, Caleb Johnke, Evan Millspaugh, and Miller Thompson, and Executive and Administrative Assistant, Bianca Carrera. The evening started with a presentation on what AST is and what services they provide and ended with an entertaining tournament of games.

AST Visits GIS at ASU

After an introduction to the representatives and an overview of AST, GIS at ASU members learned about stop-loss insurance, one of the services in which AST specializes. AST representatives shared the role AST plays in working with their clients to mediate between Third Party Administer (TPAs), reinsurers, and carriers. AST must balance the goal of covering risks with a high rate for carriers and insurers while maintaining low enough rates that are competitive in the market for TPAs. Throughout the presentation, there was a heavy emphasis on the collaborative culture at AST. From working closely with clients to day-to-day work in the office, AST was described as a close-knit workplace where teamwork and intellectual curiosity would lead to success. We received great insight into the type of work actuaries perform at AST.

GIS at ASU also heard from two former interns turned full-time employees of AST: Henry, an ASU alum, and Justin, an NAU alum. As interns at AST, they had a unique experience rotating through different types of actuarial work, having a direct impact on the needs of the company, and being able to interact with clients. To this day, AST still uses some of the work they did as interns. The former interns noted that the benefits of working for a small consulting company allowed them to pursue projects they were passionate about and provided opportunities for professional development through mentoring. AST invited GIS at ASU members to reach out if they were interested in a spring or summer internship.

AST Visits GIS at ASU

Following the presentation, the games began. Attendees were split into eight teams and rotated through four games: Jeopardy, Taboo, Codenames, and Telestrations. Each game was played in a separate room and monitored by a pair of AST representatives. Individual game rooms allowed attendees to speak with AST staff in smaller group settings. The games provided fun challenges that tested the teams’ ability to communicate and work together.

AST Visits GIS at ASU

GIS at ASU would like to thank AST representatives for taking the time to plan such an educational and engaging visit. We greatly value the relationship GIS at ASU has with local companies and look forward to seeing AST in the future!

September 27, 2022
By Charles Daggs

GPW hosts a happy hour with GIS at ASU

Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) seeks to provide our members with plenty of opportunities to meet potential employers and co-workers. While a prepared presentation can be very informative, an invaluable part of company visits is meeting the representatives and building a professional network. It was a pleasure to be hosted by the actuarial division of GPW at Zipps Sports Grill on Thursday, September 15. This was a nice change in venue from previous company visits and allowed GIS at ASU members to get to know the representatives and their roles and responsibilities in the company. 

GPW hosts a happy hour with GIS at ASU

At the beginning of the event, attendees were given a list of suggested conversation starters to get to know more about the company and their representatives. GPW also offered catering courtesy of Zipps. A wide variety of roles within the actuarial profession were represented such as Brennen Ainsworth, who focuses on project management, and Amanda Lubking, who is both an actuary and a Senior Vice President for GPW. Attendees asked the representatives about some of their “‘reasonable’ actuarial opinions” which started lively conversations about topics like cheese, horseback riding, and coffee. Attendees received raffle tickets for listening to and debating these hot takes for a chance to win three Amazon gift cards. Also, during the event, everyone was able to watch the exciting NFL game between the Chargers and the Chiefs. Overall, it was a great event to make connections in the actuarial field and learn more about the P&C industry and consulting.

GPW hosts a happy hour with GIS at ASU

Thank you to GPW for hosting this fun happy hour event! GIS at ASU would like to encourage members to apply to the GPW actuarial internship if they are interested. GPW also participated in the career fair, and we look forward to seeing them again soon.

September 20, 2022
By Isabelle Welsh

Centene Visits GIS at ASU

With company visits being the highlight of the fall semester for many Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) members, we were thrilled to keep the momentum going with another fantastic company visit. On September 13, GIS at ASU welcomed Centene for a very informative and fun event. Representatives Sean Kratsch and Michael Brunner kept members engaged as they gave insight into Centene and the actuarial world. They also had members on the edge of their seats with a Kahoot that tested their knowledge. 

Centene kicked off the meeting with a brief introduction on what it means to be an actuary and all the incredible benefits of the career path. They then segued into sharing some background on the company; in particular, they emphasized the large number of members they serve, and the strong actuarial community Centene has built. The representatives spoke convincingly about some of the benefits of working with the company, from the strong exam support program to the numerous lines of businesses and topics available to learn. The representatives rounded off the presentation portion of the night with some comments from former and current Centene interns, who spoke on what drew them to the company and some of the great experiences they had with Centene. 

Centene Visits GIS at ASU!

Rounding out the evening, GIS at ASU members had the opportunity to test their knowledge on a wide variety of topics, ranging from Excel to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Kahoot proved to be more challenging than expected, asking members tricky questions like, what is the maximum number of columns in Excel, and what is Centene’s stock ticker symbol, a surprisingly difficult question for even the former interns who saw the answer on a daily basis. Centene ensured an even playing field for GIS at ASU members with the last segment of the exciting game, in which they were quizzed on the Seven Wonders of the World. Each member walked away with a lot of new knowledge, especially Lea Petit, the Kahoot winner! 

GIS at ASU would like to give a sincere thank you to the representatives from Centene who gave members the incredible opportunity to hear about their company and gain valuable insight into the field of actuarial science. We greatly appreciate your time and look forward to Centene’s next company visit!

September 13, 2022
By Sarah Friedman

EHC visits GIS at ASU

Gamma Iota Sigma at ASU (GIS at ASU) had the pleasure of welcoming Edrington Health Consulting (EHC) for a company visit on Tuesday, September 6. The visit provided great insight into the community and initiatives at EHC, while also giving students the opportunity to ask questions and work together. EHC brought in a number of representatives which included the founder, Kyle Edrington, as well as an ASU faculty member, Paul Johnson. Both EHC representatives and students were actively engaged and entertained throughout the duration of the event. 

EHC visits GIS at ASU

The visit started with an introduction to EHC as a company. Kyle Edrington shared that he founded the company with the goals of helping people and balancing time with his family. From there, EHC grew as more people joined the team, and now they consult on a variety of projects within the health insurance industry. The majority of the company's work deals with public health insurance programs like Medicaid. Edrington emphasized that their goal on every project is to ensure their work is beneficial to the client they are helping. Furthermore, he explained that EHC and Wakely have joined Health Management Associates (HMA). 

Throughout the presentation, Edrington emphasized the importance of enjoying work. EHC has built a family amongst its associates, which allows them to succeed professionally and have fun while doing so. Two ASU students, including GIS at ASU committee member Emma Rao, had internships at EHC over the summer and can attest to the amazing community they have built!

EHC visits GIS at ASU

After learning more about the company, Johnson led a Q&A session, but with a twist. While associates answered questions, they were simultaneously trying a variety of hot sauces! The questions gave insight into the actuarial profession as well as provided valuable advice for students. Once the questions were answered and hot sauces consumed, it was time for a challenge. The next activity required students to answer actuarial questions in order to receive materials that would allow them to build the tallest structure possible, while blindfolded! Questions ranged from EHC trivia to conditional probability to interest rates. Everyone had a blast and had the opportunity to practice teamwork and communication. 

GIS at ASU would like to thank the EHC team for coming to campus and sharing their experiences. It was a great way for students to learn more about the company. We appreciate all the effort put into planning and executing this fantastic event. We look forward to seeing EHC at the career fair and future company visits! 

September 2, 2022
By Melanie Patten

Allstate company visit

The Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) prides itself in its ability to provide networking opportunities with industry professionals in and around the valley. One of the most impactful ways that GIS at ASU does this is through company visits throughout the fall semester. On August 30, GIS at ASU was proud to welcome Allstate for not only the first company visit of the fall semester but also the first in-person visit since prior to the pandemic. Allstate brought enthusiasm and made it a night to remember for so many of our members’ first in-person company visit! From a glimpse into the company’s culture to several interactive games, club members enjoyed their experience networking with the Allstate professionals.

The night began with brief introductions of the visiting Allstate employees. GIS at ASU was well-represented in Allstate’s company visit, with four of five of their representatives being former officers of GIS at ASU. Current members were greeted by Matt Roller, ACAS, Bo Swoverland, ACAS, Leo Austin, Kinsey Turk, and Hailey Walters. Turk provided a glance into Allstate as a whole, sharing several insights as to what the company has to offer. In fact, Allstate was named one of the 2018 National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) Top Companies for Executive Women. Allstate’s passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion does not stop there, as there are several Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that provide employees with an opportunity to connect with individuals who either have shared experiences or want to learn more about their coworkers. With over 14,000 Allstate employees belonging to an ERG, this program drives their company culture and employee satisfaction.

Allstate company visit

The representatives continued to show that Allstate is a great place to work, by describing the Property, Analytics, and Actuarial Services (PAAS) branch and outlining the upcoming employment opportunities that our members can apply to. Along with this, the representatives shared that Allstate employees have consistently outperformed average CAS exam pass rates with the help of their generous exam support program. Also, within the last three years, over 90% of their actuarial interns, who were offered employment, accepted the offer and returned to Allstate the following year.

The five representatives from Allstate ensured that there was not a dull moment in the evening, by inviting our members to play three games. Members were divided into groups each representing a famous insurance advertisement character, such as Geico Gecko or Jake from State Farm. Between virtual White Elephant, Pictionary, and Wavelength, each of the interactive activities was extremely enjoyable for all members involved. Each game had all attendees engaged, and several laughs were shared amongst the teams.

GIS at ASU would like to thank each of the Allstate representatives for taking the time to provide our members with such a thoughtful presentation and activity. We are grateful to have learned more about Allstate from each of you, as well as to have had you back as the first in-person company visit since the Fall of 2019. We look forward to interacting with Allstate once more at the annual ASU Actuarial Science Career Day and at your next company visit!

August 30, 2022
By Emma Rao

First meeting of GIS at ASU

As summer comes to an end and another semester begins, it was great to see everyone in person again. On August 23, the Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter at ASU (GIS at ASU) welcomed both students and faculty members to the Fall Welcome Meeting. The night consisted of introductions, an overview of GIS at ASU, and a fun interactive activity for members to get to know one another.

The event started off with introductions from the GIS at ASU officers, committee members, and faculty advisors. GIS at ASU’s officers, Charlotte Cliatt, Lydia Gabric, Lainey Waldman, Lea Petit, Hayley Osterkorn, and Moreta Findler presented an overview of the organization and informed members about upcoming events and opportunities. Additionally, the officers walked through the process of becoming a member, as well as emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusion to GIS at ASU. Members were also encouraged to engage with the GIS at ASU social media pages to ensure they stay up to date on the organization’s news.

The event concluded with a fun speed dating activity. Members formed groups of eight and shared their responses to interesting questions prompted by committee members Alison Hansen and Melanie Patten. With each new question, members found a new group of eight to share their responses with. This gave members the opportunity to get to know everyone in the room! The last round of the activity challenged each group to find two truths and one lie that applied to all eight members of the group. Each group’s representative presented their two truths and one lie and everyone had the opportunity to vote on which of the statements they thought was the lie. It was a fun and engaging way to connect with new and existing members.

It was very exciting to see everyone back at GIS at ASU for another semester. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming company visits. GIS at ASU would like to give a huge thank you to everyone for attending and being so enthusiastic!