The Graduate Statistics Club and the Association for Women in Mathematics are excited to announce the first SoMSS Dodgeball Tournament! Come play dodgeball and board games with SoMSS faculty, staff, and students!

SoMSS Dodgeball Tournament
Saturday, April 15
11:00 to 4:00
SDFC - Maroon Gym

The tournament will very likely end before 4:00pm (leave when you wish!). Small foam dodgeballs will be used.

Meet and Greet with Mitchell O'Brien
hosted by Graduate Statistics Club
before Professional Development Seminar
Monday, Sept. 12
3:45pm Meet and Greet
4:15pm Prof Dev Talk

Join the Graduate Statistics Club for snacks as we Meet and Greet Mitchell O'Brien before his Professional Development talk. Mitchell currently works as an Advanced Data Scientist at Honeywell, and will share some thoughts on his journey from ASU to industry.

Join us for our FIRST graduate statistics club meeting, which will be on Thursday September 8th, 2022 at 4:30 PM in Wxlr A206. This meeting will be mostly a fun get to know everyone followed by a happy hour for anyone interested. We are delighted to announce we will have food and beverage!!

On Wednesday, January 26th at 4:30 PM in Wexler A206  we have the first event of the Spring semester: our own statistics alumni Mitch O’Brien is coming to give a talk about his experiences as a data scientist at Honeywell.