Coffee Break


Coffee Break
WXLR A206 and breezeway

Stop by WXLR A206 and second floor breezeway anytime between 8:45-10:45am. We will be offering coffee and donuts, as well as a few healthier options (fruit, yogurt, granola bars). Hot water for tea or cocoa will also be available, as well as orange juice and water.

This is a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and meet new people in the mathematical and statistical community here in SoMSS. If you have not ever attended, we invite you to stop by and say hello.

Per ASU’s policy, face coverings will be required indoors (in WXLR A206).

Face masks must be worn inside WXLR A206, but you may take your coffee and food outside on the breezeway to eat. We’ve brought more tables and chairs out to the breezeway to make it a better gathering space.

WXLR A206 and breezeway